Sunday, September 18, 2011

EduBlogs Challenge #1 - Why did you start the Challenge?

Hey Guys! 
So the EduBlogs student Challenge has started again. And this week I just have to answer a few simple questions:

Why did you join the blogging challenge? 
Because when I first saw it last year I thought it would be a great thing to do during the holidays that was happening that time and I am doing it for the third time again now because I have always learnt so much from it and it is really fun.

What do you hope some of the activities include?
More creative challenges and some that are a bit different from the last challenges. Eg. not 'How to put pictures on your blog' again please!

Finally, what do you hope to get out of the challenge by the end of the ten weeks? 
I hope that I get to learn as much as I have in the last two challenges, and most importantly, I have FUN!


  1. Good on you for being up to always learning new things and enjoying it! I look forward to your response to all the challenges - I might learn something too!

  2. Hi,
    My name is Jim Wenzloff. I am a former teacher and technology director. I do a lot of teacher training. I will be commenting on your blog and offering a few suggestions about blogging as part of the Edublog Challenge. Sometimes suggestions sound like criticism. I’m trying to help you improve and give them help you stretch your thinking. I think it is great that you are publishing your work for everyone to read.

    Looks like you have been blogging over a year. So you should be an expert. I'll check back now and then to see what you have written.


  3. HI!!
    Your blog is reeeeeeeeeaally cool!!! It's funny we both have similar hobbies. Do you like the blogging challenge? I do, it's been really fun. Come check out my blog at:
    From Anna.
